lundi 27 avril 2020

Writing unit tests which may access private/protectedstate

I use Boost Test for unit tests. I typically have a fixture struct:

class ClassBeingTested
    int _x;             // Want to access this directly in my unit tests

struct TestFixture : public ClassBeingTested
    // I can access ClassBeingTested::_x here but it means i have to add getters for each test to call
    ClassBeingTested _bla;

However, even if my fixture inherits from ClassBeingTested or uses a friend relationship I cannot access private/protected methods/state from each individual test:

    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_bla.x, 10);    // Compiler error. I cannot access ClassBeingTested::_x here

only the fixture, which means I have to add a new getter (or test) for each access I wish to make.

Is there any way to achieve this? I have to add public getter methods to ClassBeingTested which are only used by tests, which isn't ideal.

(Please no replies of 'test using the public interface', that's not always possible).

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