lundi 22 février 2021

how to run paratest with multiple database

I am trying to use Paratest for my application.

My tests fail because of race-conditions and DEADLOCKS because they all use the same database.

Thus, I would like to create one database per process. In the docs, they mention this: enter image description here

So I figured that getenv('TEST_TOKEN') is an integer value of a process. I have now created 8 MySql databases and seeded each, for each exists a connection in config/database.php from testdb_1 to testdb_8.

How do I change the connection for each test?

I tried this:


namespace Tests;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase;

abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase
    use CreatesApplication;

    public function setUp()

        if (getenv('TEST_TOKEN') !== false) {  // Using paratest
            $this->connection = 'testdb_' . getenv('TEST_TOKEN');

            \DB::setDefaultConnection($this->connection );



but its not switching the database

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