samedi 5 novembre 2016

Citrus framework flightbooking

I am trying to implement the Flightbooking-sample using CitursFramwork ,the link is :

And I am still new for the framework , The steps I did are(using mac os) :

1-run the activemq

2-run the jetty:run from the sample-bakery .

3-using intllijIdea open the sample-bakery and run the test case . Every time my test case is failed and I got the following :

ActionTimeoutException: Action timeout while receiving message from channel 'royalAirlineServer.inbound'
    at com/consol/citrus/samples/flightbooking/FlightBookingIT(receive:57-90)

4-I tried to change the timeout but I still get the same error .

Please can anyone explain to me what is the timeout , and where is the wrong in my steps ?

Note:Only one time using Terminal the test case is pass using :

mvn clean install -Dembedded=true

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