mercredi 16 novembre 2016

Ruby on Rails random code inserted in static pages, tests RED

After getting through the first five chapters of Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial book, I ran my test as usual before doing my GitHub and Heroku push, but got RED.

I checked my static pages and all of them had 'HEAD =========>>>>>>>rails-flavored-ruby' inserted into them at random places in the HTML.

Not only that, my static_pages_controller and routes.rb was mangled in the same way. 'rails-flavored-ruby' was one of the git branches I created for the tutorial, so I have a suspicion that one of my git commands would have altered my files, if that is even possible.

Does anyone else have this problem going through the tutorial, where did I go wrong and what can I do to fix this app I have been building for the last three chapters.

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