dimanche 13 novembre 2016

Should the testing interface always be identical to the functional interface?

TDD newb here. I know we "test the interface not the implementation", but might there be a case for having a "testing interface" of class X, using a Subclass Mock and protected methods, which could be a superset of the functional interface defined by the public methods of class X?

Say I have a class like this:

class IndexManager {
    IndexManager( File file ){
        super( file );

    public void someFunctionalMethodUsedByOtherClasses(){


In my test class I go like this:

public class IndexManagerTest {

    class SubclassMockIndexManager extends IndexManager {
        SubclassMockIndexManager( File file ){
            super( file );

        protected IndexWriterConfig createIndexWriterConfig( Analyzer analyser ){
            return super.createIndexWriterConfig( analyser );


    SubclassMockIndexManager injectedSpySM_IndexMgr = new SubclassMockIndexManager(tempFile);

And make a method in it to test the "non-public interface" (AKA "testing interface"):

public void whenIndexIsMadeAnIndexWriterConfigShouldBeCreated() throws Exception {
    verify( injectedSpySM_IndexMgr ).createIndexWriterConfig(  mock(Analyzer.class) );

In response, to turn red to green, I respond by modifying my app class as follows:

class IndexManager {
    IndexManager( File file ){
        super( file );

    // added as part of normal red-green cycle TDD development
    protected IndexWriterConfig createIndexWriterConfig( Analyzer analyser ){
        return super.createIndexWriterConfig( analyser );

    public void someFunctionalMethodUsedByOtherClasses(){


It's just that I'm puzzled why the TDD development cycle should necessarily be confined to testing methods which are exposed to all other classes...

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