jeudi 17 novembre 2016

Why session scope bean is the same for different mock session in tests

I'm trying to test session scoped bean in Spring-boot but i've encountered problem. I've created two MockHttpSession and try to inject them into controller method, which then will add to them scoped bean. If i run application those beans are different in each scope, but when i try to test it, the object is the same. Here is my test:

public class ObserverSessionScopedIT {

ObserverController controller;

public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();

public void sessionScope() throws Exception {

    MockHttpSession sessionFirst = new MockHttpSession();
    MockHttpSession sessionSecond = new MockHttpSession();


    controller.startObserving(temporaryFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath(), sessionFirst);
    controller.startObserving(temporaryFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath(), sessionSecond);

    Subscriptions subscriptionsFirst = (Subscriptions) sessionFirst.getAttribute("Subscriptions");
    Subscriptions subscriptionsSecond = (Subscriptions) sessionSecond.getAttribute("Subscriptions");



and here is how i menage it in controller:

private static final String SUBSCRIPTION = "Subscriptions";

private Subscriptions subscriptions;

@RequestMapping(path = "/start", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ResponseBody ResponseEntity<String> startObserving(@RequestBody String path, HttpSession httpSession) throws IOException {
    httpSession.setAttribute(SUBSCRIPTION, subscriptions);

and this is definition of Subscriptions object:

public class Subscriptions implements AutoCloseable{

Why i have two different objects while application works, but in test it's the same reference? I think it might be connected to context in test, but can i run tests with main application context?

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