lundi 23 janvier 2017

Adding new route to test client in Symfony

I am trying to add new route in test case extending Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase that will throw exception, to test EventListener for it. Simplified tests will looks like this:

public function testHandlingException()
    $kernel = $this->createKernel(['environment' => 'test', 'debug' => true]);

    $client = $kernel->getContainer()->get('test.client');

    $controller = new class extends Controller {
        public function testAction()
            throw new \Exception();

    $route = new Route(
        ['_controller' => get_class($controller).'::testAction']

        ->add('route_500', $route);


    $client->request('GET', '/route_500');

It fails with:

Failed asserting that exception of type "Exception" is thrown.

How can I add route in-fly so calling it will work?

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