dimanche 22 janvier 2017

In pytest how do I temporarily disable capture in a class method?

In pytest (3.04; python 3.4) I'm trying to disable output capture under certain circumstances. I'm trying to follow the example on this doc page. However, I'm unable to specify capsys as a funcarg. As a follow-up, I'd like to accept both funcarg and on-funcarg arguments so that I can use a class method that takes one or more normal arguments. How can I do that?

Ideally, this class method would work:

    def always_print(self, message, capsys):
        with capsys.disabled():

But, I can't even get this to work:

def always_print(capsys):
    with capsys.disabled():

Getting the error:

>       always_print()
E       TypeError: always_print() missing 1 required positional argument: 'capsys'

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