mercredi 22 février 2017

EDI AS2 HTTP trace?

We're looking into an AS2 implementation and would like to be able to build meaningful test-cases to be used with SoapUI or Postman. In order to do this we have two ways:

  1. just try to tcp-dump/trace calls from an existing client
  2. manually build some simple calls starting from the plain EDI documents

or various reasons we've discarded (1) so we must go with (2) and we need some documentation. This doc from Oracle is a good starting point:

but we cannot really find a step-by-step guide for building the AS2 request starting from the ORDERS edi document (which we already have).

Ideally I'd like a step-by-step guide which says something like:

  1. generate a private cert: +commandline
  2. encrypt the EDI document: +commandline +sampleoutput
  3. create signature: +commandline +sampleoutput
  4. build the S/MIME package: +commandline +sampleoutput
  5. send over HTTP/S: +commandline +samplehttptrace

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