vendredi 2 juin 2017

ScalatestRouteTest tests time out when run together but run fine individually

I have a spec for my akka-http route with two tests in it. I can run each of these individually just fine -- but when I run the whole spec (including both tests), the 2nd one fails with

Request was neither completed nor rejected within 30 seconds

Does anyone know why this is?

I don't know if it's relevant, but each test seems to be logging events twice whether I run them alone or together. (Sometimes the duplicated events are in different dispatchers and sometimes they are in the same one.) I am hitting breakpoints on the log messages twice so I assume the events are really being called twice. Again, not sure if it's relevant, but maybe a clue.

I'm also mocking out dependencies, but I don't think that's the issue.

Dumbed down version of my test:

package com.mystuff

import com.mystuff._
import org.mockito.Mockito._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.{NotFound, OK}
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives
import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.{RouteTestTimeout, ScalatestRouteTest}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._

  * Created by bathalh on 6/2/17.
class OAuthClentServiceASpec extends FunSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterEach with Directives with ScalatestRouteTest
    implicit def default(implicit system: ActorSystem) = RouteTestTimeout( 30 seconds )

    private var mockDependencyFun: DependencyFun = _
    private var testObject: MyService = _

    override def beforeEach =
        mockDependencyFun = mock(classOf[DependencyFun])
        when( mockDependencyFun( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( Future successful "OK" )

        testObject = new MyService() {
            def getDepFunction = mockDependencyFun


    describe( "OAuthClentService Application" )
        import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._
        import com.mystuff.MyJsonProtocol._

        describe( "Get a specific client" )
            it( "Returns 404 with useful message when client does not exist" )
                val clientId = "does not exist client"
                Get( s"/clients/$clientId" ) ~> testObject.routes ~> check {
                    status should be (NotFound)
                    responseAs[ErrorResponse] should be (ErrorResponse(Set(s"Client not found: $clientId")))

            it( "Returns client information when client exists" )
                val clientId = "ValidClient"
                Get( s"/clients/$clientId" ) ~> testObject.routes ~> check {
                    status should be (OK)
                    val clientInfo = responseAs[ClientResponse]
           should be (clientId)

Thanks in advance for any help.

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