samedi 19 août 2017

Acceptance test exception

So I have turned on acceptance testing in the advanced template of Yii2. Getting the exception below. Can't see why.

I am running Xubuntu Java version: 1.8.0_131 Selenium is running and version is: selenium-server-standalone-3.5.0 geckodriver-v0.18.0 is in my /usr/local/bin/ tests run using firefox 55.0.1 (64-bit)

I have done the following:

renamed frontend/tests/acceptance.suite.yml.example to acceptance.suite.yml

Changed composer.json From: "codeception/base": "^2.2.3", To: "codeception/codeception": "^2.2.3",

ran composer update

./yii_test migrate vendor/bin/codecept build vendor/bin/codecept run

I get:

Test ../frontend/tests/acceptance/HomeCest.php:checkHome

[yii\base\ErrorException] Undefined index: ELEMENT

Scenario Steps:

  1. $I->see("My Company") at ../frontend/tests/acceptance/HomeCest.php:12
  2. $I->amOnPage("/") at ../frontend/tests/acceptance/HomeCest.php:11

/home/mark/Sources/advancedapp/frontend/tests/_support/_generated/AcceptanceTesterActions.php:363 2 > /home/mark/Sources/advancedapp/frontend/tests/acceptance/HomeCest.php:12

There was a call stack, but can't paste it here due to 3000 letter body limit. It can be found here:

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