samedi 7 octobre 2017

Selenium cannot connect to localhost for testing ASP.NET

I'm writing GUI tests for an ASP.NET web application but Selenium can not seem to connect to the localhost. Every time I run the test case it loads the chrome browser, but I get the error "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". I can connect to the localhost just fine for development, just not testing.

using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;

namespace MyApplication.Tests
    public class UnitTest1
        public void ButtonMenuDimensions_Chrome()
                String url = "http://localhost:52956";
                ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
                String actualHeight = driver.FindElement(By.Id("menu")).GetCssValue("height");
                Console.WriteLine("Actual Height: " + actualHeight);
                String expectedHeight = "450px";
                String actualWidth = driver.FindElement(By.Id("menu")).GetCssValue("width");
                String expectedWidth = "200px";

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, actualHeight);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, actualWidth);

                Console.WriteLine("Error executing test case: Dimensions");

When I open up the output for this test case I am getting

Error executing test case: Dimensions

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