mardi 10 octobre 2017

Selenium Eclipse Test Suite tests fail in the suite, but are successful when run individually

I have the following test suite to run an automation script to login to gmail then another script to click the Compose button:


<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Web Admin Tests" parallel="false">
<test name="BOS - Account Class">
<class name="secondtestngpackage.GmailComposeEmail" />
<class name="secondtestngpackage.GmailLogin" />

When I run this test suite, the first test does not get passed the login screen in gmail, but the second test does, even though they reference the same functions. Is there a reason why this would happen? One test is able to enter the user id and password, since it is the second/last test, but when the first test is run, it is like the second test interferes with it, since its browser is now in focus.

  public void launchBrowser() {
      ReuseFunctions.OpenApp("Chrome", "");

//Test 1:  Log into Gmail
  public void LoginToGmailAccount() {


  public void launchBrowser() {
      ReuseFunctions.OpenApp("Chrome", "");

  public void LoginToGmailAccount() {

Reusable Functions File:

ReuseFunctions.func_EnterCredentials("username", "password");

        public class ReuseFunctions {

    public static WebDriver driver; 

/*Function 1:  Select Browser and Open Application Function
    public static Object OpenApp (String Browser, String URL) {
        //Receive Browser Name Function
        //Receive Website and Open Function
        return driver;

    //Select Browser
    public static WebDriver Func_LaunchBrowser(String Browser) {
        String driverPath = "C:/EclipseJavaDev/";
            System.out.println("launching chrome browser"); 
            System.setProperty("", driverPath+"chromedriver.exe");
            driver = new ChromeDriver();
            }else if(Browser=="FF"){
            driver= new FirefoxDriver();
            }else if(Browser=="IE"){
            System.setProperty("", "Drivers\\IEDriverServer.exe");
            driver= new InternetExplorerDriver();
            driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(80, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            return driver;
    //Open URL
    public static void func_OpenURL(String URL){

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