vendredi 20 octobre 2017

Spring junit configuration

I have tried many configurations. I try to invoke simple System.out as a test to check my configuration :

public class DaoTest {
public void commentTest() {
    System.out.println("test working");

My configuration classes use properties file to get the values and class that holds string constants values:

 public static final String DATASOURCE_PATH = "dataSource.driver_class_name";

I annotated the test class with:

        ignoreResourceNotFound = true)
@ContextConfiguration(classes = { TestConfig.class, ConfigurationConstants.class, ApplicationConfigCore.class, HibernateConfig.class})
@ActiveProfiles(profiles = "test")

Where's TestConfig basically consists of classpath because I tried different ways yet still don't know where's my mistake. Also i added the file both to the resources file of main as well as test package.

So the question I have is where's mistake and when we deploy web app in spring it takes resources from src/main/resources folder, so what's the case with tests. Is it gonna be: src/test/resources? In case of tests that takes the configuration, like my case, from main app configuration classes - do those classes will find right src/main/resources folder or will they try to check for test/./properties file ?

BTW. when location of properties added to @ContextConfiguration i got Cannot process locations AND classes for context configuration exception

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