mardi 17 octobre 2017

Working with jest in react-native app with redux

based on this other question made by me and the answer given by the user @Freez, I have created a test project with a simple redux structure.

What happens is that I am trying to access the states that change within the component and it is not possible to see the changes of the reducer. But if I check the reducer inside my test file, if I can see it.


JestTestScreen file

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { ScrollView, Text, TextInput } from 'react-native'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { text_input_typing } from '../Reducers/JestReducer'

class JestTestScreen extends Component {
  render() {
    console.log('this.props.jest.inputValue ==> ', this.props.jest.inputValue);
    return (
          placeholder={'jest test'}
          onChangeText={(text) => {
            console.log('HERE ONCHANGE!!! ==> ', text);
          }} />


const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    jest: state.jest

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => bindActionCreators({
}, dispatch);

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(JestTestScreen)

JestReducer file


// Initial state.
const initialState = {
  inputValue: '',

// Reducer.
export default function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
  console.log('reducer action ==> ', action);
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        inputValue: action.value
      return state

export const text_input_typing = (value) => {
  console.log('Here action value!!! ===> ', value);
  return { type: TEXT_INPUT_TYPING, value }


import React from 'react'

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import jest from '../App/Reducers/JestReducer';

import { shallow } from 'enzyme'

import JestTestScreen from '../App/Containers/JestTestScreen'

// create a real store with the needed reducer(s)
const store = createStore(combineReducers({ jest: jest }));

const wrapper = shallow(
  <JestTestScreen />,
  { context: { store } },

test('>>>>> Login button Press', () => {
  let render = wrapper.dive();

  const state1 = store.getState();
  console.log('state1 ===> ', state1);

  const textInput = render.find('TextInput').first();
  console.log(`textInput2 ====>`, textInput.getNode().props);

  textInput.first().simulate('changeText', 'My new value inside!!!')

  render = wrapper.update().dive();

  const textInput2 = render.find('TextInput').first();
  console.log(`textInput2 ====>`, textInput2.getNode().props);

  const state2 = store.getState();
  console.log('state2 ===> ', state2);

when i call simulate i can see the logs inside JestTestScreen file->onChangeText function and i can also confirm that it is coming into action within the reducer.

But this log:

console.log('this.props.jest.inputValue ==> ', this.props.jest.inputValue);

never change, remains in its initial state as empty.

My Jest Logs.

console.log App/Containers/JestTestScreen.js:13
    this.props.jest.inputValue ==>  

  console.log __tests__/App.js:39
    state1 ===>  { jest: { inputValue: '' } } (==> Is good)

  console.log __tests__/App.js:42
    textInput2 ====> { style: 
       { marginTop: 100,
         borderWidth: 1,
         borderColor: 'black',
         borderRadius: 6,
         marginBottom: 15,
         width: 100 },
      value: '', ==> Is good
      placeholder: 'jest test',
      onChangeText: [Function: onChangeText] }

  console.log App/Containers/JestTestScreen.js:21
    HERE ONCHANGE!!! ==>  My new value inside!!!

  console.log App/Reducers/JestReducer.js:23
    Here action value!!! ===>  My new value inside!!!

  console.log App/Reducers/JestReducer.js:10
    reducer action ==>  { type: 'jest/TEXT_INPUT_TYPING',
      value: 'My new value inside!!!' }

  console.log App/Containers/JestTestScreen.js:13
    this.props.jest.inputValue ==>  ( ==> !HERE! when render is executed again, the value remains empty )

  console.log __tests__/App.js:49
    textInput2 ====> { style: 
       { marginTop: 100,
         borderWidth: 1,
         borderColor: 'black',
         borderRadius: 6,
         marginBottom: 15,
         width: 100 },
      value: '', (==> Is bad, should be 'My new value inside!!!')
      placeholder: 'jest test',
      onChangeText: [Function: onChangeText] }

  console.log __tests__/App.js:53
    state2 ===>  { jest: { inputValue: 'My new value inside!!!' } }

According to @Freez answer, the line :

// Force the component to update after changing state 
`render = wrapper.update().dive();`

but it does not work that way for me.

The strange thing is that when I print the state inside my test file, you can see that the state has changed, but the component has not updated that change even if the render was executed again

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