jeudi 15 février 2018

What is Selenium Workflow/Architecture/Lifecycle?

Before explaining the question I would like to say that I myself is going to give the answer. Still, I would be looking for a better explanation. Feel free to provide the feedback as I believe this question is very much important from my point of view.

As most of the UI Automation engineers nowadays heavily relies on Selenium Webdriver(directly or indirectly) what I want to know is:

  • How selenium processes the requests made by Client Library?
  • What is the role of drivers(gecko, chrome etc) in processing those requests?

In short, if I want to simplify the question is that if I run:

driver.get(<Some Web Address>)

what in the background is going on through which Selenium is successful/unsuccessful in retrieving the desired results?

Why we need to know this?

This question not only answers the workflow but also helps the user of selenium library to solve problems such as browser freeze any many more.

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