mercredi 4 avril 2018

App State: undefined and endless waiting tests

Somehow when running our e2e detox tests we always wait for some syncronisation to finish (If we disable it and wait manually it works).

I tried removing all animation but somehow there is still something running.

The log shows the following:

detox info Sync App State: undefined detox info Sync Dispatch Queue: detox verb ws send: {"type":"currentStatus","params":{},"messageId":21} detox verb ws onMessage: {"type":"currentStatusResult","messageId":21,"params":{"state":"busy","resources":[{"name":"App State","info":{"elements":["<UIViewController: 0x7fdc1351bf50>"],"appState":"Waiting for window's root view controller's view to appear."}},{"name":"Dispatch Queue","info":{"queue":"<OS_dispatch_queue_main:[0x112beadc0] = { xref = -2147483648, ref = -2147483648, sref = 1, target =[0x112bec300], width = 0x1, state = 0x001ffe9e00000400, dirty, max qos 6, in-flight = 0, thread = 0x403 }>","prettyPrint":""}}],"messageId":21}} detox verb ws detox info Sync App State: undefined detox info Sync Dispatch Queue: detox verb ws send: {"type":"currentStatus","params":{},"messageId":22} detox verb ws onMessage: {"type":"currentStatusResult","messageId":22,"params":{"state":"busy","resources":[{"name":"App State","info":{"elements":["<UIViewController: 0x7fdc1351bf50>"],"appState":"Waiting for window's root view controller's view to appear."}},{"name":"Dispatch Queue","info":{"queue":"<OS_dispatch_queue_main:[0x112beadc0] = { xref = -2147483648, ref = -2147483648, sref = 1, target =[0x112bec300], width = 0x1, state = 0x001ffe9e00000400, dirty, max qos 6, in-flight = 0, thread = 0x403 }>","prettyPrint":""}}],"messageId":22}}

Any help where this issue is coming from highly appreciated

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