lundi 23 avril 2018

Compare previous row values

im trying to compare the pick status of each previous row to ensure the pick status is higher than the previous. The user makes 4 picks and if the pick status is 1 or 2 its added to the pick status total. The user with the highest total of "won_and_looking_good" tops the table, but if the user has the same total then their points_player is taken into consideration. Im basically trying to compare the total_of_won_and_looking_good with the total_of_won_and_looking_good from the previous row, i can seem to figure out how to to do this. This is my code.

public void test_player_leaderboard_entry() {

    int size = playerRows.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        String position_first_player = Drivers.getDriver().findElement(By.cssSelector("[data-qa-position-value='" + i + "']")).getText();
        String points_player = Drivers.getDriver().findElement(By.cssSelector("[data-qa-points-value='" + i + "']")).getText();
        String username_player = Drivers.getDriver().findElement(By.cssSelector("[data-qa-player-value='" + i + "']")).getText();
        //ROW NUMBER
        Integer row = i + 1;
        Integer total_of_won_and_looking_good = 0;
        for (int pick_number = 1; pick_number < 5; pick_number++) {
            String pick_status = Drivers.getDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='root']/div/main/section[2]/section/div/ol/a[" + row + "]/li/div[3]/div[" + pick_number + "]/div")).getAttribute("data-qa-pick-state");
            if (Integer.parseInt(pick_status) == 2 || Integer.parseInt(pick_status) == 1) {
                total_of_won_and_looking_good = total_of_won_and_looking_good + 1;

        System.out.println("On row number " + row + " we find " + username_player + " in position " + position_first_player + " with " + total_of_won_and_looking_good + " correct picks and " + points_player + " points!");

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