mardi 3 avril 2018

How do I construct HTTP requests in R for testing?

I've written a small API in R, using plumber. (See ) I would like to write a test that can be run against the source code, to verify I get the expected response. I would like the test to pass in a HTTP-request object to the API's endpoint. The usual library for constructing requests seems to be httr. (See ), but the request_build function I'd like to use isn't exposed at the outermost scope.

Is there a way to access the internal function of a package? library(httr) doesn't give me access to its internal request_build)

Alternately, I'm looking at the library httptest, but I'm having trouble getting it to generate a request object. (See ) I see that it's supposed to record requests for later use, but that's also giving me trouble:

    a <- POST("", body=list(raw="This is some sample text."), config=list("content-type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))

Error: POST list(raw = "This is some sample text.") (

I'm not sure what the problem is here; Postman ( ) confirms the API is up and functioning.

Also, is it possible to record multiple requests and specify which I want during test?

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