mardi 10 avril 2018

how to take a screenshot Within a QT QTest setting

I'm trying to take a screen shot during some tests where the application is being ran on an iOS simulator.

The app looks something like this:


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

#ifdef TEST
    thingTests = new ThingTests(&engine);




    return app.exec();


TabletTests::TabletTests(QQmlApplicationEngine *engine) : QObject(nullptr), m_testSuiteName(NULL)
    m_engine = engine;

void TabletTests::startTestSuite(char *testSuiteName)
    m_testSuiteName = testSuiteName;
    connect(m_engine, SIGNAL(objectCreated(QObject*,QUrl)), this, SLOT(onObjectCreated(QObject*,QUrl)));

void TabletTests::onObjectCreated(QObject *, const QUrl &) {
 // run settings test for now, later on control with command line arguments
    SettingsTest *settingsTest = new SettingsTest(m_engine);


void SettingsTest::openWarningModeSelectionTest()
    bool optionSelectorDisplayed = DialogController::getInstance()->optionSelectorShown();
    // This clip came from here:
    foreach(QObject* obj, this->m_engine->rootObjects()) {
      QQuickWindow* window = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow*>(obj);
      if (window) {
        QImage image = window->grabWindow();
        qDebug() << image;

I've inherited this codebase and I'm not very familiar with QT, but I tried to only include relevant things in the above snippets.

What I want to be able to do is take some screenshots on what a page looks like at certain times in the tests.

When I have TEST defined, my tests for the app go and do their thing, but they blowup when the window->grabWindow() line is hit with an ASSERT error in assert w in scenegraph/qsgthreadedrenderloop.cpp in the qt libraries.

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