mardi 3 avril 2018

Wanted to create UI interface for Business developer team which contains Test Cases

I wanted to create UI interface for Business developer team which contains Test scripts which are written in my PC in selenium with c#.

Problem :-

1>Business developer team has no visual studio installed in their PC because they don't have licence for it.Now if they wanted to show demo of Application to client then if they have UI which contains Test scripts which i wrote in how could i display those Test script on business developers laptop which don't have visual studio?

2>Here for demo purpose to client ,Business developer team will click on particular test case on UI and run that feature. For example ,If Business developer wanted to show Login feature in UI at Business developer laptop then that script should run.

3>how can i define connectivity between business developer's laptop which don't have visual studio and source laptop which has visual studio which contain Test script?

It's kind of R & D work,If anybody has idea about this let me know.

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