jeudi 25 octobre 2018

How to connect to WSS with authorize ID in Advanced Rest Client

I'm absolutely new in WS but have experience with HTTP. I need to test the WebSocket application and I want to connect to WSS with Advanced Rest Client and manually send some requests (as I do it in Postman to test Rest API).

The authentication is realized with using ID what looks like xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx and it keeps in the local storage of my browser.

and my WSS server URL looks like wss://

When I trying to connect to wss:// I received an Unknown Error. I understand what it is because of I need to provide the authentication ID to the server. So, I have this ID in xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx format. I tried to connect to wss:// but it doesnt work.

Can anybody help me - how can I use my ID what keeps in the local storage?

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