lundi 1 octobre 2018

Laravel TDD Browser Kit Testing trying to get property of non-object

I have test to check whether my VerificationController working. If I test it manually, it works, but it doesn't work whenever I try to run it through phpunit.

This is my VerificationController looks like:

class VerificationController extends Controller
    public function verify(Request $request)
        $user = User::where('email', $request->email)->where('verification_token', $request->token)->firstOrFail();

            'verified' => 1,
            'verification_token' => null
            'status' => 1

        return redirect()->route('student.home')->with('flash_msg', 'Alamat E-Mail Berhasil Diverifikasi');

And this is my unit testing class:

class RegisterStudentEmailTest extends TestCase
use RefreshDatabase;
 * A basic test example.
 * @return void
public function test_inactive_student_register()

    $admins = factory(User::class, 3)->states('a')->create();

        ->type('Mary', 'firstname')
        ->type('Jane', 'lastname')
        ->type('', 'email')
        ->type('081330956056', 'phone')
        ->type('Surabaya', 'address')
        ->select('f', 'gender')
        ->select('Manual', 'car_type')
        ->type('123456', 'password')
        ->type('123456', 'password_confirmation')

    $student = User::where('role', 'Student')->first();

        function ($mail) use ($student) {
            return $mail->student->id === $student->id;

        function ($notification, $channels) use ($student) {
            return $notification->inactive_student->id === $student->id;

    $this->visit('verify?token=' . $student->verification_token . '&')

The error I get is trying to get 'name' property of non-object which located in sidebar.blade.php file. This is the code:

<li class="user-header">

This URL (verify?token=' . $student->verification_token . '&') allows user to autologin so it will automatically show user's name in sidebar (I test that URL manually and there's no problem)

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