samedi 23 mars 2019

Testcafe ClientFunction to set video currentTime property

I'm trying to get the video properties using Testcafe to play(), pause(), get the current playing time, and set the current time.

The problem is that I'm hard coding the set time and ideally I'd like that to be a function that I can pass any time value I want.

I wrote the following simple test:

import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';

const URL = '';

fixture `Portal Experience playback`
  .page `${URL}`;

function sleep (ms) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

test('Testing YouTube', async t => {
  const play = ClientFunction(() => document.querySelector('.video-stream').play());
  const pause = ClientFunction(() => document.querySelector('.video-stream').pause());
  const currentTime = ClientFunction(() => document.querySelector('.video-stream').currentTime);
  const setTime = await t.eval(() => document.querySelector('.video-stream').currentTime = 5);

  await setTime;`Video time is ${await currentTime()}`);
  await play;
  await sleep(5000);`Video time is ${await currentTime()}`);
  await pause;


The play, pause, and currentTime I can just copy and past to a class inside a page model.

The page model would be:

export class Player {
  constructor () { = ClientFunction(() => document.querySelector('.video-stream').play());
    this.pause = ClientFunction(() => document.querySelector('.video-stream').pause());
    this.currentTime = ClientFunction(() => document.querySelector('.video-stream').currentTime);

  // a function to set video time


How do I turn setTime into a function inside a page model?

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