mercredi 19 juin 2019

How to reduce the fragility of jasmine unit tests in angular?

Angular recommends using Jasmine for their testing framework, but the more I work with Jasmine the more I worry about the fragility of my unit tests. Currently, I am using stubs and spies to provide dependencies to the functions, but I am worried about how the tests will behave when functionality is added to the codebase.

For example, when making spies using dependency = jasmine.createSpyObj(['method1', 'method2']), calling dependency.method3() when implementing a new feature would cause the tests to fail because method3 does not exists on the spies.

The same applies if I use stubs as described in the angular guide, as I would need to create stub functions using jasmine.spyOn or similar methods.

Ideally, this case should not result in failure and makes my tests incredibly fragile. I can resolve this by mocking the entire class interface, but this is unideal.

Is there any way of avoiding this?

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