I have written one function in my service file in angular. But the problem that I am facing is that at the time of writing testcase I do not know how to test the function in which we have used pipe with effects also
fetch(createdBy: string) {
const millisInAWeek = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const previousWeek = Date.now() - millisInAWeek;
const query = ref => ref
.where('createdBy', '==', createdBy)
.where('updatedAt', '>', previousWeek)
.orderBy('updatedAt', 'desc')
return this.afsDb.collection('searches', query)
map(snapshot => snapshot.docs.map(documentSnapshot => documentSnapshot.data() as SearchRecord)),
switchMap(searchRecords => of(new ActionLoadSearchRecords({ searchRecords })))
Testcase Written by me
it('should fetch top 25 searchRecord in descending Order', () => {
const createdBy = 'User1';
const pipeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('pipeSpy');
const getSpy = jasmine.createSpy('getSpy');
const collectionSpy = spyOn((service as any).afsDb, 'collection').and.callFake(() => ({
get: getSpy.and.callFake(() => ({
pipe: pipeSpy.and.returnValue(of(new ActionLoadSearchRecords({ searchRecords: [searchRecord] })))
service.fetchSearches(createdBy).subscribe(() => {
But the line in the function
map(snapshot => snapshot.docs.map(documentSnapshot => documentSnapshot.data() as SearchRecord)),
switchMap(searchRecords => of(new ActionLoadSearchRecords({ searchRecords })))
is not covered in code-coverage? How can I solve this ?
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