jeudi 20 juin 2019

Tool which will record my browser actions and allow me to execute the recorded actions from code for building automated test cases and work flows

I am first time trying out automated web UI testing. (So sorry for inexperienced words) I just tried writing selenium python code which logs in to the website, waits till it redirects to target page and then tries to fetch certain information from that target page. I am facing several issues. For example I am getting TimeoutException when using headless chrome and I am not able to access properties of selected element on the target page. Also, I believe I might have to revise this function some times in future as the target website might change the UI/UX. So, I was thinking if I should use some tool which will allow me to use browser and capture my action as I do it and generate the script for my action, so that whenever the UI/UX of the target site changes, I will just have to redo action, recapture it in that tool and use the script generated. I just want to avoid time I am wasting in thinking and coding how I can imitate the actions myself. I have several such actions targetting different sites. So to reduce overall developement time I want to know if any such tool is there.

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