This is a follow up question on this post
After tweak my code as suggestion on the original post, below is my full working code.
However, I have some problems and questions:
- How to test createAccount() that can create account successfully or can throw exception ?
This is my test but createAccount() doesn't have parameters, so how to add input to it for testing ?
def test_canCreateAccount(ctrl):
#valid email and password
email = ''
password1 = 'beautiful'
password2 = 'beautiful'
account = ctrl.createAccount()
assert == email
assert account.password == password1
- Does createAccount() violate this sentence ? It doesn't have parameters that take input.
Write functions that take input and return a result. No side effects.
- "if" statement in createAccount() is control flow ? If yes, whether it violate this sentence ? **
Don't use exceptions for control flow.
** Or I misunderstand about something ?
Ruthlessly shave functions down until they do one thing.
So, why createAccount() do 2 things ? It get value from user input then validate
- I want email input will be shown again up to 3 times. After that, app raises exception. How to do that for easy testing ?
class CreateAccountFailed(Exception):
class PassNotValid(CreateAccountFailed):
class PassNotMatch(CreateAccountFailed):
class EmailNotOK(CreateAccountFailed):
class RegisterUI:
def getEmail(self):
return input("Please type an your email:")
def getPassword1(self):
return input("Please type a password:")
def getPassword2(self):
return input("Please confirm your password:")
def getSecKey(self):
return input("Please type your security keyword:")
def printMessage(self, message):
class RegisterController:
def __init__(self, view):
self.view = view
def displaymessage(self, message):
def ValidateEmail(self, email):
email_obj = Email(email)
return email_obj.isValidEmail() and not accounts.isDuplicate(email)
def ValidatePassword(self, password):
return Password.isValidPassword(password)
def CheckPasswordMatch(self, password1, password2):
return Password.isMatch(password1, password2)
def makeAccount(self, email, password, seckey):
return Account(Email(email), Password(password), seckey)
def createAccount(self):
email = self.view.getEmail()
if not self.ValidateEmail(email):
raise EmailNotOK("Duplicate or incorrect format")
password1 = self.view.getPassword1()
if not self.ValidatePassword(password1):
raise PassNotValid("Password is not valid")
password2 = self.view.getPassword2()
if not self.CheckPasswordMatch(password1, password2):
raise PassNotMatch("Passwords don't match")
return self.makeAccount(email, password1, self.view.getSecKey())
def tryCreateAccount(self):
account = self.createAccount()
self.displaymessage("Account was created successfully")
return account
except CreateAccountFailed as e:
class Register(Option):
def execute(self):
view = RegisterUI()
controller_one = RegisterController(view)
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