mardi 7 janvier 2020

configuration management tool for testing

I'm looking for a testing tool that i 'm pretty sure already exists. :)

The idea is that i have several environments with each one several partitions with each one several classes with each one several entity (in fact much more subdivision...). Each table have several properties.

Today for each test the entity identifier is hard coded.

Unfortunately configuration for one entity is different depending on version and environment.

So a test can not be executed on each environment...

What i want is a tool that will give the entity, the class, the partition, the environment depending on constraint like: (entity.propriety==true && partition.propriety==11...)

Some properties are fully static and other one dynamic (can be modified by test execution).

It would be awesome to have:

  • definition of template that can be overload with other constraints.
  • join of template.
  • the versioning of that database (property exist or not in version N).
  • automatic creation of entity/class/... if test require some properties and no entity already exist with that properties.
  • lock / queue management on entity to allow parallelism of test execution on single environment.
  • report on tested or not combination

I already thought to do it with sql and views but i'am afraid on the flexibility and complexity.

Thanks in advances,


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