lundi 20 janvier 2020

Create tutorial like videos / animations from JS unit tests

I'm trying to use UI-Tests to create Tutorial-Animations of my website.

Currently we're using the react-testing-library to write unit tests for our React Web-App. In parallel we have colleagues creating short how-to videos to have videos/animations for our not so tech-savvy users to teach them the very basics of our software.

Is there anything already out there that would let me turn unit tests into mp4s or gifs? It has several benefits:

  • Keep our How-To videos in synch with our codebase. UI-decisions won't be affected by thoughts like "Then we have to re-create 20 videos"
  • It motivates our developers to write more tests
  • We can easily render videos in different 50 languages
  • We can automatically deploy these videos to a microservice or YouTube or.. and have them searchable

Our testing framework already creates DOM-Snapshots and I'm sure there's a way to render these to images. We could tie these together to get a video, but it would look like screenshots. It won't have transitions, mouse movement etc..

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