dimanche 19 janvier 2020

Discovering Catch2 tests in Visual Studio when using CMake project

So far I've been developing my project using CLion on Linux and everything worked fine, but now I'm trying to setup my project on Windows to get familiar with the Visual Studio IDE, and I'm having trouble getting Visual Studio to discover my tests.

I'm using the CMake project directly in Visual Studio and things like building, running and etc. work fine, the problem beings when I try to run the individual tests using the Run Test option in the editor - the Test Explorer doesn't see them.

I've installed the Catch2 Test Adapter and added the required .runsettings, as described here but even with that the only things that I see in Tests output is

No tests found to run.

Has anyone tried a setup similar to this and can guide me on how to solve it?

I'm using Visual Studio 2019.

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