jeudi 2 janvier 2020

How to include integration tests via maven-surefire-plugin without using naming convention

My Java Maven project separates unit tests from integration tests in the directory structure:

  • Unit tests under src/test/java;
  • Integration tests src/integration-test/java.

src/integration-test/java is a non-default test source directory, so I added it manually to the project using build-helper-maven-plugin, as you can see:


I also used maven-failsafe-plugin to include the test integration classes in the test execution flow, as shown below.


This approach works, but obliges me to use a naming convention in the test classes. Precisely, only the ones ending with "IntegrationTest" will be executed.

I would like to configure the plugin based on a naming convention in the path and not in the file name. Precisely, I intend to allow all classes under src/integration-test/java regardless the file names. I did not succeed so far and every tutorial in the web only shows the approach I implemented and showed you above.

Does anyone have any suggestion on how to do that?


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