lundi 13 janvier 2020

How to share a global variable between test files from a test in TestCafe?

I'm manually setting auth cookies for my login purpose and I would like to share the Auth token across my tests. The very first time I have to perform a login in a test and then I have to save the auth token in a variable and share it across the test files.

Here is the code snippet to explain what and how I'm trying to do:

loginTest.js :

let authToken = null;

fixture`Login test`
  .beforeEach(async (t) => {
    const nextMonth = new Date();
    nextMonth.setMonth(nextMonth.getMonth() + 1);
    await t.navigateTo(inputData.url).then(await setCookie('AUTH_COOKIE_ID', authToken, nextMonth));

  .before(async () => {
    await loginPage.login(inputData.firstUserEmailId, inputData.firstUserPassword);
    authToken = await getCookie('AUTH_COOKIE_ID');
  })('Verify login test', async (t) => {
    await loginPage.goToPeople(personName);
    await t

Now, after the test I have the actual authToken (not null) and if I have to share the authToken variable across all my tests in all my files then how to I do? with this code design I can share authToken in the same file (test suite).

PS: In case, people are wondering on why I'm doing setting cookie instead of using useRole. Just to let you know that the useRole didn't work in my setup as the application sets the cookie manually in my local env so I have to manually set the cookie as a login workaround.

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