vendredi 17 janvier 2020

Is there a way to capture js errors but not fail testcafe tests because of them?

I'm currently starting to write some TestCafe tests, and came across an issue in our website whilst running them - a JS error in the console fails the test. Naturally, I was quite pleased that my test had caught this, but it would mean that even if a JS error happens that is low priority and affects no users directly, our tests may fail and prevent a build.

Now this may be a workflow some want, but for us we'd rather raise a ticket and address it in a parallel workflow rather than block everyone because of a JS error. I'm aware of the --skip-js-errors option, however this just throws away all the errors entirely. Is there a middle ground, like converting the errors to warnings, or simply adding some sort of after-test function that logs out any JS errors that occurred during the test run? I've tried adding an afterEach to my fixture like so:

.afterEach(async t => {
  const { error } = await t.getBrowserConsoleMessages();


But with --skip-js-errors this does nothing. I'd love some pointers on this please!

My goal, in case it wasn't clear - I want to see the possible JS errors in my TestCafe run so that I can log them and make tickets off them, but I don't want them to fail the test run.

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