vendredi 17 janvier 2020

Jest test of React application with TypeScript SyntaxError... Unexpected reserved word 'interface'

I have a simple react application (not create-react-app) with TypeScript. It runs without problems, but tests fail with error "SyntaxError... Unexpected reserved word 'interface'". How to make jest recognize interface syntax from TypeScript? I broke my head trying different solutions.


    import React from 'react';
    import {  Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
    import * as p from '@/config/paths';
    import Login from "@/react/components/authentication/Login";
    import Register from "@/react/components/authentication/Register";
    import MainLayout from "@/react/fragments/MainLayout";

interface Props {
    test: string,
    onLogin: ()=> void

const Auth: React.FC<Props> = (...props) =>(
                <Route path={p.pathLogin()}>
                    <Login />
                <Route  path={p.pathRegister()}>

export default Auth;


   import React from "react";
   import Auth from "@/react/pages/Auth";
   import { createMounted } from "@/config/testConfig";

const requiredProps = {
    onLogin: jest.fn()

describe("Home Snapshot", () => {
    const { wrapper } = createMounted(<Auth {...requiredProps} />);

    it("default snapshot", () => {

Jest configuration in package.json

  "jest": {
        "automock": false,
        "cacheDirectory": ".cache/jest",
        "setupTestFrameworkScriptFile": "<rootDir>/__tests__setup.js",
        "snapshotSerializers": [
        "coverageDirectory": "__tests__coverage",
        "collectCoverageFrom": [
        "moduleNameMapper": {
          "\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|pdf|ico|mp4|obj)$": "<rootDir>/__mocks__/fileMock.js",
          "\\.(css|less|sass|scss)$": "<rootDir>/__mocks__/styleMock.js"


  "presets": [
  "plugins": [
        "alias": {
          "@": "./src"


import Enzyme from "enzyme";
import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16";
global.fetch = require("jest-fetch-mock");

Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });


  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./dist/",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "es6",
    "jsx": "react",
    "allowJs": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "noImplicitThis": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
  "include": [


    const path = require('path');
    const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
    const {CleanWebpackPlugin} = require("clean-webpack-plugin");
    const fs = require("fs");

    const ENTRY_JS = "js";
    const ENTRY_CSS = "css";

    module.exports = {
        entry: {
            [ENTRY_JS]: "./src/index.tsx",
            [ENTRY_CSS]: "./src/assets/scss/root.scss"
        output: {
            filename: "[name].[chunkhash].js",
            chunkFilename: "[name].[chunkhash].js",
            path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
            publicPath: "/"
          resolve: {
              extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.json', '.scss'],
              alias: {
                  "@": path.resolve(__dirname, "src/")
        module: {
            rules: [
                    test: /\.ts(x?)$/,
                    exclude: /node_modules/,
                    use: [
                            loader: "ts-loader"
                    enforce: "pre",
                    test: /\.js$/,
                    loader: "source-map-loader"
                    test: /\.s?css$/,
                    use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader']
                    test: /\.js$/,
                    exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
                    use: [
                        loader: "babel-loader",
                        options: {
                          cacheDirectory: ".cache/babel"
                    test: /\.woff2?(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/,
                    loader: "url-loader"
                    test: /\.(ttf|eot|svg)(\?[\s\S]+)?$/,
                    loader: "file-loader"
                    test: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|pdf|ico|mp4|obj)$/,
                    loader: "file-loader"
        plugins: [
            new CleanWebpackPlugin(),
            new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
                template: './src/index.html',
                inject: "body",
                    minifyCSS: true,
                    minifyJS: true,
                    collapseWhitespace: true

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