mercredi 8 janvier 2020

Jest's `it.each()` description to render arrow function source code when referred as $predicate

Problem definition

Jest allows the test case's data to be used in it.each's name via $-prefixed variables.

The code below results in the output like this:

 PASS  src/array-functions/find-pairwise.spec.ts
    √ should return [1, 2] for [1, 2, 3] and [Function anonymous] (7ms)
    √ should return [1, 2] for [1, 2, 3] and [Function anonymous] (1ms)
    √ should return [2, 3] for [1, 2, 3] and [Function anonymous]
    √ should return [2, 3] for [1, 2, 3] and [Function anonymous] (1ms)
    √ should return [undefined, undefined] for [1, 2, 3] and [Function anonymous]

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       5 passed, 5 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        4.061s
Ran all test suites related to changed files.

As you can see, the $expected and $array variables are rendered in human-friendly form (basic JavaScript arrays, in this case). However, the $predicate shows a generic text [Function anonymous] instead of it's actual code. I know that both regular functions and arrow functions in JS can expose their source code if you call .toString() on them. Is there a way to instruct Jest render the result of that toString() call? I did try $predicate.toString() and $(predicate.toString()) but neither of them worked.

enter image description here


import { findPairwise } from './find-pairwise';

describe(, () => {
    array        | predicate                                | expected
    ${[1, 2, 3]} | ${(l: number, r: number) => l === 1}     | ${[1, 2]}
    ${[1, 2, 3]} | ${(l: number, r: number) => r === 2}     | ${[1, 2]}
    ${[1, 2, 3]} | ${(l: number, r: number) => r === 3}     | ${[2, 3]}
    ${[1, 2, 3]} | ${(l: number, r: number) => l + r === 5} | ${[2, 3]}
    ${[1, 2, 3]} | ${(l: number, r: number) => l === r }    | ${[undefined, undefined]}
  ('should return $expected for $array and $predicate', ({ array, predicate, expected }) => {
//                                         ^^^^^^^^^^
//                                         ||||||||||
//                                         I'd like this to be rendered
//                                         as the code of the arrow function.
//                                         E.g. "(l: number, r: number) => l === 1"
//                                         ...or something close to it.

    expect(findPairwise(array, predicate)).toEqual(expected);

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