jeudi 9 janvier 2020

Questions basic databases and mysql [closed]

Which SQL keyword is used to sort the result of a selection? a) SORT BY b) ORDER c) ORDER BY d) EXIT

The SQL command, to select the attribute "Name" from the table "People" is: a) EXTRACT names from persons; b) EXTRACT "name" from "persons"; c) SELECT EXTRACT persons name; d) SELECT names FROM persons;


The SQL command to get all the entries in a table named "People" sorted down by "Name" is: a) SELECT Name FROM People SORT BY DESC Name; b) SELECT Persons FROM Name SORT BY Persons DESC; c) SELECT Name FROM Persons ORDER BY Name DESC; d) SELECT * FROM Persons ORDER BY Name DESC.

The SQL command to get the number of entries in the People table is: a) SELECT COLUMNS () FROM Persons; b) SELECT COUNT () FROM Persons; c) SELECT COUNT () FROM Persons; d) SELECT COLUMNS () FROM Persons.

Which of the following functions is used to obtain the maximum of the values ​​of a column: a) MAX (column_name); b) MAX (); c) MAX; d) The maximum cannot be reached.

Sometimes the expression SELECT COUNT (*)

Which of the following functions is used to remove entries (rows) from a table? a) DROP; b) REMOVE ROW; c) DELETE; d) DELETE ROW.

The NULL value is considered: a) zero; b) missing value; c) white space; d) none of the above answers.

A transaction is a complete set of SQL commands that either execute successfully or fail so that the integrity of the database is maintained. a) true; b) false.

Which of the following database management systems is not a system that adheres to the relational model: a) PostgreSQL; b) SQLite; c) MongoDB; d) MySQL.

Which of the following SQL functions is used to specify a conditional search? a) HAVING; b) ORDER BY; c) WHERE.

What a Foreign Key represents: a) A foreign key is a column that cannot have NULL values; b) A foreign key is a reference from one table to the values ​​of another table. c) A foreign key represents the root rights of a user; d) None of the above answers.

Which of the following commands is not a function of the Data Definition Language: a) UPDATE; b) ALTER; c) CREATE; d) RENAME.

Which of the following SQL functions changes the values ​​of an existing table? a) UPDATE; b) EDIT; c) MODIFY.

Which of the following functions is not a SQL data aggregation function? a) ABS (); b) COUNT (); c) SUM (); d) AVG ().

Which of the following SQL functions allows you to modify the contents of a database? a) REMOVE; b) MODIFY; c) ADD; d) UPDATE.

Which SQL function is used to search for a string among the values ​​of a column in a table? a) FIND STRING; b) HAS STRING; c) STRING CONTAINS; d) LIKE.

What SQL function is used to compare two calendar dates? a) DATEDIFF; b) DATECOMAPARE; c) DATE SUBTRACT; d) DATE DIFFERENCE.

What SQL function is used for inserting new entries into a database? a) ADD; b) ADJUST; c) APPEND; d) INSERT.

When sorting the results of a query by the values ​​of a column that contains the integer type, what SQL function is used to sort from highest to smallest? a) ASC; b) DSC; c) DESC; d) AESC.

What SQL function is used to query a database? a) SELECT; b) UPDATE; c) GET; d) WITHDRAWAL.

Which SQL function is used in conjunction with the UPDATE function to modify an existing value? a) EDIT; b) SET; c) MAKE; d) WRITE.

If you want to display the values ​​of a single column, what function is used to display only the values ​​that are repeated? a) UNIQUE; b) DISTINCT; c) ONE; d) SINGLE.

If it is desired to use two Boolean conditions, where both conditions must be true simultaneously, which operator is used? a) AND; b) OR; c) WHAT; d) IF.

Statement: The Primary key accepts NULL values, and the UNIQUE constraint does not accept NULL values. a) True; b) False.

What kind of place ensures users restricted access to a table? a) EXPLICIT; b) IMPLIED; c) EXCLUSIVE; d) SHARED.

What SQL function returns the current time? a) Time (); b) getTime (); c) NOW ().

What is the correct order in using the SQL functions below? a) SELECT, FROM, WHERE; b) FROM, WHERE, SELECT; c) WHERE, FROM, SELECT; d) SELECT, WHERE, FROM.

The FROM condition is used for: a) specify the range of search for certain values; b) specify a query condition; c) specify a table on which we perform a query.

A View represents: a) a virtual table that can be accessed using SQL commands; b) a virtual table that cannot be accessed using S commands; c) a table that can be accessed using SQL commands; d) a table that cannot be accessed using SQL commands.

SQL functions that allow data declaration are: a) DDL; b) DML; c) HTML; d) XML.

The acronym ACID comes from: a) Access, Consistency, Isolation, Durability; b) Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Data. c) Access, Commit, Instance, Durability.

Which of the following functions are provided directly by SQL: a) COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN; b) SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, MULT; c) SUM, AVG, MULT, DIV, MIN; d) SUM, MULT, MIN, MAX, AVG.

ON UPDATE CASCADE ensures: a) Data normalization; b) Data integrity; c) Creating Views; d) All the above answers are correct.

The result of a SELECT command may contain duplicate entries: a) True; b) False.

A SQL SELECT sub-query is delimited by: a) Braces - {…}; b) Capitalization; c) parentheses - (…); d) straight brackets - [...].

The results of a SQL SELECT query represent one: a) report; b) table; c) formulate; d) file.

Which of the following SQL expressions is valid to create an Index: a) CREATE INDEX ID; b) CHANGE INDEX ID; c) ADD INDEX ID; d) REMOVE INDEX ID.

Which of the following are considered in shaping a SQL table? a) Data type; b) Primary key; c) Default values; d) All of the above.

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