samedi 12 septembre 2020

Can I use multiple, distinct Spring 4 application instances in a single integration test

Scenario: I have two different instances of the same spring application which cater to different regions. These spring applications are initialised with different URL's, different DB connections etc. The applications often have to communicate with each other.

Goal: I need a way of testing the interactions between these different instances in a local environment. This would involve having the different instances running on a single machine with different properties. One instance might send a message to the other through an event stream and then receive a response. I'd like to monitor the instances to ensure that they are behaving as expected.


  • I'm looking for something that could be easily be ran as a single test e.g. I don't want to have to manually spin up two different servers.
  • The application runs on Spring 4. Upgrading to spring boot isn't a viable option.
  • The local applications rely on database and events servers which are already running.

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