I am trying to use a TrampolineExecutionContext in ZIO in order to test background stream subscriptions on the same thread (so I can run effect in the order I would expect).
testM("Using trampoline execution context") {
(for {
queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
_ <- ZStream
.foreach(el => ZIO.effect(println(s"In Stream $el")))
_ <- queue.offer("Element")
_ <- ZIO.effect(println("Inside for comprehension")).on(trampolineExecutionContext)
} yield {
In this situation, I obtain what I would expect that is:
"In Stream Element", "Inside for comprehension"
If I remove the on(trampolineExecutionContext)
, I would obtain "Inside for comprehension" only because I am not joining the fiber (creating a sync point).
How can I set for the entire test the default context to be trampolineExecutionContext without repeating it every time in every call or in the important calls?
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