lundi 2 novembre 2020

How to Mocking CacheAsyncApi

I'm using CacheAsyncApi in my Scala class:

class AggregationService @Inject()(@NamedCache("name") cache: CacheAsyncApi){}

and I want to do a unit test for it.

so tried to do FakeChache with implement the CacheAsyncApi methods.

the problem is that I didn't succeed to implement the 'map' functionality :

the function should be as follow:

override def map[T](key: String)(implicit evidence$8: ClassTag[T]): RedisMap[T, AsynchronousResult] = ???

how you test your CacheAsyncApi functionality? And in particular the map functionality

build.sbt includes:

  lazy val playLibs = Seq(
    "" %% "play-cache" % "2.7.2",
    "com.github.karelcemus" %% "play-redis" % "2.4.0"

thanks in advance.

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