mercredi 4 novembre 2020

Jes test coverage is complaining that I am not testing a simple exported object

When going over my tests coverage I can see that a certain file utils.ts is marked as un tested. The file though is simply exporting an object. This is the entire file:

import { RootState } from "../../../../store";
export const scenarioOneState: RootState = {
  jwt: { requested: false },
  user: null,
  activeProfile: null,
  userSubscription: null,
  orderCheckout: null,
  tables: {
    articles: {
      entities: {},
      ids: [],
      status: "fulfilled",
    dnaKits: { entities: {}, ids: [], status: "fulfilled" },
    genomeFiles: { entities: {}, ids: [], status: "fulfilled" },
    orders: { entities: {}, ids: [], status: "fulfilled" },
    unclaimedOrders: { entities: {}, ids: [], status: "fulfilled" },
    profiles: { entities: {}, ids: [], status: "fulfilled" },
    wellnessReports: { entities: {}, ids: [], status: "fulfilled" },

What can I do to "satisfy" the test coverage in regards of this file?

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