mardi 3 novembre 2020

Jest expect object property value not to be object

I have an array of 'flat' objects, i.e. properties whose values are either a string, number, null etc.

let myArray = [
        prop1: 'string'
        prop2: 123
        prop1: 'string'
        prop2: 123

In this case I don't care what the actual property keys are and ideally I don't want to know what they are in advance, i just want to check the property values are objects.

The following would fail for example

let myArray = [
        prop1: 'string'
        prop2: 123
        prop1: 'string'
        prop2: {
            prop3: true

How can I write this in a jest test?

        expect.objectValues.not.toBeObject    // What do I actually put here

I am using jest extended.

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