I'm using the following expect script test.exp
to test a CLI application I'm developing:
spawn ./note_trainer.exe --seed 0
expect "note_trainer using seed 0"
expect "Note G# transposed down 6 semi-tones gives what? "
send "D\r"
expect "Correct!\r"
send "\004"
The script works as intended: it waits for the appropriate output from the process, sends a string, and obtains the correct result. However, I would like the expect script to fail if note_trainer.exe
does not behave intended.
Specifically, if the ./note_trainer.exe
returns "Incorrect!" instead "Correct!", I want expect test.exp
to fail in someway, and return an error code.
Currently, all it does is wait until a timeout is reached, and then exit with error code 0.
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