lundi 23 novembre 2020

Problems with testing presentedviewcontroller in Swift

I am having trouble testing a UIAlertController being presented. I saw a guide on this ( but it still doesn't work because any time I test if a view controller is presented it returns nil. I am wondering if my issue is that the current VC I am testing is a presented VC itself.

        describe("showLogOutAlert is called") {
            context("logOut alert is called and cancel is selected"){
                it("should be presented then dismissed") {

I would like to test if buttons are selected as well but I can't get passed the first part of testing if a view controller is presented. This is an issue I'm having with anything I'm trying to test being presented (i.e. MailComposeViewController).

Note: yes these are actually being presented when I run the application so the test isn't correct in calling it nil.

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