I've been using built-in Rails testing suite and am now moving into RSpec for testing. I'm trying to figure out to test if a method was called in the midst of calling another method. For example, my update_service.call method gets called with an object. The update_service calls the manage_service.call method. I'm trying to test that the manage_service.call method was ever called.
expect(@update_service).to receive(:call).with(object).at_least(:once)
expect(@manage_service).to receive(:call).with(object.id).at_least(:once)
With this setup, I get the following failure:
1) UpdateService should call manage_service
Failure/Error: expect(@manage_service).to receive(:call).with(object.id).at_least(:once)
(#<ManageService:0x00007ffaf8c76190 @sdi=ServiceDI>).call(1)
expected: at least 1 time with arguments: (1)
received: 0 times
# ....
I'm not sure what I'm missing here.
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