lundi 2 novembre 2020

Testing the Filereader.onload callback function in Angular/Jasmine

In the ngOnInit of my component I am defining the Filereader.onload callback function. I found several solutions that say to mock the filereader and the onload but I think this defeats my purpose to test if the callback is correctly executed when onload is being called. So I tried to mock the onload Event and then test if the functions inside the callback get called.

it("should import data on filereader onload event", () => {
 const fileReader = new FileReader();
      let loadEvent: ProgressEvent<FileReader>;
      spyOn(fileReader, "onload").and.callThrough();

      spyOn(mockServiceOne, "convertData").and.returnValue(
      spyOn(mockServiceTwo, "importData").and.callThrough();




The function I am trying to test is this:

this.fileReader.onload = (event) => {
      const jsonData = JSON.parse(;
      const data = this.serviceOne.convertData(

I mocked the two services and methods inside them. But in the test spec they never get called. However the first assertion that the result of the onload event ( needs to be defined seems to check true.

Maybe there is a problem with the first line in the function that converts the data to json, since I am not actually giving the function a real file. However when I try to give anything other than the mocked ProgressEvent it gives an error.

Please help me with testing the onload callback. Is it correct that I can't mock the filereader onload for this?

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