Please help me with writing unit tests
How can I test with Jest this file with React-redux actions:
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions';
import * as actions from '../actions/index';
const background = handleActions({
[actions.changeBackgroundType](state, { payload: { type } }) {
return { ...state, type };
[actions.addGradientStart](state, { payload: { color } }) {
return { ...state, color1: color };
[actions.addGradientEnd](state, { payload: { color } }) {
return { ...state, color2: color };
}, { type: 'none', color1: '#ffffff', color2: '#ffffff' });
const url = handleActions({
[actions.addUrl](state, { payload: { url: newUrl } }) {
return newUrl;
}, '');
export default combineReducers({
Сould not find on the Internet how to test actions if I use 'redux-actions' library
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