vendredi 19 mars 2021

How to properly model and test a method that is dependent from another?

I'm developing an example of card game. And while developing that, i couldn't find a way to properly create a unit test for the method DistributeCards(). And that's because, the DistributeCards() method is dependent of the StartNewRound() method to run. And inside the StartNewRound() method, there's a call to the DistributeCards() method.

GameManager Class:

public class GameManager

    private Game _Game { get; set; }

    public GameManager(Game game)
        _Game = game;

    public void AddPlayer(Player player)

    public void StartNewRound()
        // Shuffle Cards
        // Update current playing player
        _Game.PlayingPlayer = _Game.GetPlayerAtChair(_Game.GetNextOccupiedChairIndex(0));


    public void DistributeCards()
        //Make Card Distribution

So my test was going to be like the following:

public class GameManagerTests
    private GameManager _manager;

    public void SetUp()
        _manager = new GameManager(new Game(6));

    public void DistributeCardsTest()
        _manager.AddPlayer(new Player("1", "test", 10));
        _manager.AddPlayer(new Player("2", "test", 10));
        _manager.AddPlayer(new Player("3", "test", 10));
        _manager.AddPlayer(new Player("4", "test", 10));


We can see in the DistributeCardsTest() test method that at the point that i call StartNewRound() the DistributeCards() method has already run. And if i would call it again, i would be running it twice, and in my head that a little bit strange.

So i don't know if i can model the method to be more testable somehow or if i should change something in the test itself like creating a mock or something like that.

Obs.: I'm trying to use DDD modeling.

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