lundi 22 mars 2021

Running bats tests from another bash function yields: `./ line 21: 1..3: command not found` [duplicate]


While running some bats tests after an installation, I noticed that the tests throw an error when I run bats test files from a different function in the same file The tests work works when executed directly with:

./test/libs/bats/bin/bats test/test_install_git_postsetup.bats

from the first function run_prompt_user_choice() that is executed in However when I copy that command and put it in:

function run_some_test() {
    ./test/libs/bats/bin/bats test/test_install_git_postsetup.bats

and call that function from inside run_prompt_user_choice() with command: ($run_some_tests), it throws error: ./ line 21: 1..3: command not found.


The code of the consists of:

. src/

function run_some_test() {
    ./test/libs/bats/bin/bats test/test_install_git_postsetup.bats

function run_prompt_user_choice() { 
    # install selected packages.
    # test selected packages using a function.
    # Run the github test file directly
    ./test/libs/bats/bin/bats test/test_install_git_postsetup.bats
run_prompt_user_choice "$@"


The output of running sudo ./ is:

./ line 21: 1..3: command not found
 ✓ running the apt update function in some file and verifying log output.
 ✓ running the apt upgrade function in some file and verifying log output.
 ✓ running the apt install git function in some file and verifying log output.

3 tests, 0 failures


How could I run those tests from an arbitrary function that is called by the run_prompt_user_choice() function?

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