jeudi 25 février 2016

Why JBehave maintain data across steps Given/When/Then during a Scenario?

I am trying JBehave and I need to understand why maintains data (instance variables from the steps) across scenarios (testCases -> Given/When/Then).

I mean, is it possible to clear the instance variable maintained during the execution of each scenario (Given/When/Then) without using @BeforeScensario?


public class GenerateReportSteps {

private String a;
private String b;
private String c;

public void beforeEachScenario() {
    a = null;
    b = null;
    c = null;

.. .. }

If I'm not wrong, I understand that each scenario (Given/When/Then) have to be atomic, so the framework JBehave should initialize to null the instance variables before run each scenario per user story.


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